R47-Protumol treatment cream

The clinically tested

R47-PROTUMOL treatment cream

is a quick and effective treatment for the following skin diseases

Actinic Keratosis

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Ulcerated Basalioma

Kaposi Sarcoma

Extract from the clinical trial performed at the Medical University of Szeged, Department of Dermatology

Actinic Keratosis and Basal Cell Carcinoma
– While using the R47-PROTUMOL® cream several degrees of clinical improvement were experienced among the test subjects.
– The cream significantly reduced the rate of ulceration.
– No toxic side effect, no allergic-, irritative reaction occurred while using the R47-PROTUMOL® cream.
– No progression (growth) was noted in the condition of the tumors during the treatment.
– Our results indicate that R47-PROTUMOL® cream can be utilized to condition epithelial tumours in the period before surgical intervention or other, specific dermatological therapy.


Prepared by: Dr. Zsanett Csoma dermatologist
Professional confirmer: Prof. Dr. Lajos Kemény dermatologist

Extract from the observations of Dr. Mária Pécsek, head surgeon

Breast cancer
– We applied the R47-PROTUMOL® Cream in histologically proved malignant cases of mutations close to the skin surface, besides regular control.
The R47-PROTUMOL® Cream was applied 2-3 times a day regularly, with a control six months later.
The big breast tumour of the patient, which was reduced to a 1 cm size due to the treatment, became removable.The patient was operated on, and the 1cm size tumour was removed. After the operation histological examination found only 1-2 malignant groups of cells in the mutation.

Prepared by: Dr. Mária Pécsek head surgeon

Extract from the clinical trial performed at the Medical University of Debrecen, Department of Dermatology

Kaposi Sarcoma
– The clinical symptoms of the patient showed significant improvement after two weeks of R47-PROTUMOL® treatment.
– The R47-PROTUMOL® treatment significantly increased the survival time of the tumour bearing mice.
– Neither in case of the animal trials nor in case of the E.J. patient was any toxic or other side effect noticed.

Prepared by: Prof. Dr. János Hunyadi dermatologist

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